The Role of Community Based Tourism in Avoiding Overtourism
Arıkan Saltık, I., Turgut, U. (2021). The Role of Community Based Tourism in Avoiding Overtourism. In: Hassan, A., Sharma, A. (eds) Overtourism, Technology Solutions and Decimated Destinations. Springer, Singapore.
Overtourism is one of the terms that has appeared in the literature recently, meaning the excessive number of tourists and the impacts of their flows on local communities and ecology. The increase in anti-tourism events around the world is a significant indicator of the effects of overtourism on communities. The underlying reason for the problem is mainly based on the decisions which were taken in a hurry, without proper evaluation, consideration of necessary matters, and often without active participation and inclusion of communities. Community development intends to flourish social, economic, environmental and cultural welfare and prosperity of communities, particularly made up of disadvantaged and marginalized people. Community based tourism development is one of the key factors to avoid that senseless anti-tourism sentiment and proceed to bring societies and cultures closer together through developing understanding and contact. Growing guest arrivals inflict an intense pressure on the environment and local community and their culture in a destination, thereby deteriorating both the quality of tourists’ experiences and the life quality of local people. Rapid growth in tourism and undesirable condensation disrupt the sustainability of a destination causing local community and other stakeholders no more show any interest in further tourism development and making them feel they suffer since their access to opportunities, comfort, and health etc. is inhibited. It is significant that the technological revolution and intense usage of social media by tourists have been triggers to overtourism. However, COVID-19 Pandemic period may be an opportunity to invest both in technology and the further to help mitigate overtourism after COVID-19 when the crowd come back. In this context, this chapter explains the importance of community development in tourism and indicates considering community frustration to avoid adverse effects of tourism, in particular overtourism, and mentions how technology could be utilized in this period.