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dc.contributor.authorHakan, Nilay
dc.contributor.authorOkumus, Nurullah
dc.contributor.authorAydin, Mustafa
dc.contributor.authorKucukozkan, Tuncay
dc.contributor.authorTuygun, Nilden
dc.contributor.authorZenciroglu, Aysegul
dc.descriptionKucukozkan, Tuncay/0000-0003-4280-3883en_US
dc.descriptionWOS: 000418200900010en_US
dc.description.abstractObjective: To evaluate the effectiveness of non-contact infrared thermometer (NCIT) by comparing with other thermometers and/or body temperature measurement methods. Methods: The patients were divided into 3 groups: 0-1 year-old babies, >16 year-old female patients, and 1-16 year-old children. The body temperature of all patients was measured by NCIT at the temporal region, and the digital thermometer through the axillary region. Moreover, body temperature of the children was measured with tympanic thermometer and of adults with digital thermometer through oral route. Results: When compared to other temperature measurement methods, in all patients, the temporal temperature was not statistically different to that of rectal temperature (p>0.05); but it was 0.6 degrees C higher than axillary (p<0.001), 0.3 degrees C higher than oral (p<0.001), and 0.1 degrees C higher than tympanic temperatures (p<0.001). If the rectal temperature of >= 38 degrees C has been taken as a reference value for fever; the sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values for average temporal temperature were 48.5, 99.5, 88.9, and 96.3%, respectively. Based on visual inspection of the Bland-Altman plots, NCIT underestimated the higher body temperatures which resulted in a low sensitivity. Conclusion: Our findings indicate that NCITs can be used as a rapid, hygienic and noninvasive method for excluding fever in children. However, this method has low sensitivity for detecting fever compared to that of rectal measurement and other noninvasive techniques. Although temporal temperature seems to be close to rectal temperature, this method is not ideal for detecting febrile patients yet.en_US
dc.publisherDr Behcet Uz Cocuk Hastaliklari ve Cerrahisien_US
dc.subjectBody Temperature Measurementen_US
dc.subjectNon-Contact Infrared Thermometeren_US
dc.titleThe comparison of temporal temperature measurement method by non-contact infrared thermometer with other body temperature measurement methodsen_US
dc.contributor.departmentTemp[Hakan, Nilay] Mugla Sitki Kocman Univ, Tip Fak, Neonatol Bilim Dali, Mugla, Turkey -- [Okumus, Nurullah] Yildirim Beyazid Univ, Tip Fak, Neonatol Bilim Dali, Ankara, Turkey -- [Aydin, Mustafa] Firat Univ, Tip Fak, Neonatol Bilim Dali, Elazig, Turkey -- [Kucukozkan, Tuncay] SB Saglik Bilimleri Univ, Dr Sami Ulus Kadin Dogum, Cocuk Sagligi & Hastaliklari Egitim Arastirma Has, Kadin Hastaliklari & Dogum Klinigi, Ankara, Turkey -- [Tuygun, Nilden] SB Saglik Bilimleri Univ, Dr Sami Ulus Kadin Dogum, Cocuk Sagligi & Hastaliklari Egitim Arastirma Has, Acil Tip Klin, Ankara, Turkey -- [Zenciroglu, Aysegul] SB Saglik Bilimleri Univ, Dr Sami Ulus Kadin Dogum, Cocuk Sagligi & Hastaliklari Egitim Arastirma Has, Yenidogan Klin, Ankara, Turkeyen_US
dc.relation.journalIzmir Dr Behcet Uz Cocuk Hastanesi Dergisien_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US

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