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dc.contributor.authorGenel, Abdülkadir
dc.contributor.authorTopçu, Mustafa Sami
dc.descriptionWOS: 000378176500006en_US
dc.description.abstractBackground: Despite a growing body of research and curriculum reforms including socioscientific issues (SSI) across the world, how preservice science teachers (PST) or in-service science teachers can teach SSI in science classrooms needs further inquiry. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to describe the abilities of PSTs to teach SSI in middle school science classrooms, and the research question that guided the present study is: How can we characterize Turkish PSTs' SSI-based teaching practices in middle school science classrooms (ages 11-14)? Sample: In order to address the research question of this study, we explored 10 Turkish PSTs' SSI-based teaching practices in middle school science classrooms. A purposeful sampling strategy was used, thus, PSTs were specifically chosen because they were ideal candidates to teach SSI and to integrate SSI into the science curricula since they were seniors in the science education program who had to take the field experience courses. Design and method: The participants' SSI teaching practices were characterized in light of qualitative research approach. SSI-based teaching practices were analyzed, and the transcripts of all videotape recordings were coded by two researchers. Results: The current data analysis describes Turkish PSTs' SSI-based teaching practices under five main categories: media, argumentation, SSI selection and presentation, risk analysis, and moral perspective. Most of PSTs did not use media resources in their lesson and none of them considered moral perspective in their teaching. While the risk analyses were very simple and superficial, the arguments developed in the classrooms generally remained at a simple level. PSTs did not think SSI as a central topic and discussed these issues in a very limited time and at the end of the class period. Conclusions: The findings of this study manifest the need of the reforms in science education programs. The present study provides evidence that moral, media, argumentation, risk analysis, and pedagogical aspects of SSI-based instruction should be incorporated into educational courses designed for the Turkish teacher education programs such as the science teaching methods course. When we find ways to improve PSTs or science teachers' SSI teaching practices in terms of these components, we can provide useful information for curriculum developers, policy-makers, and science educators in Turkey and other countries, that are facing similar problems. We believe that this study would initiate more investigative and exploratory studies toward this goal.en_US
dc.publisherRoutledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltden_US
dc.subjectPreservice Science Teachersen_US
dc.subjectScience Classroomsen_US
dc.subjectSocioscientific Issues-Based Instructionen_US
dc.subjectTeaching Practiceen_US
dc.titleTurkish preservice science teachers' socioscientific issues-based teaching practices in middle school science classroomsen_US
dc.contributor.departmentMÜ, Eğitim Fakültesi, Matematik ve Fen Bilimleri Eğitimi Bölümüen_US
dc.contributor.institutionauthorGenel, Abdülkadir
dc.relation.journalResearch in Science & Technological Educationen_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US

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