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dc.contributor.authorDeveer, Ruya
dc.contributor.authorDeveer, Mehmet
dc.contributor.authorEngin-Ustun, Yaprak
dc.contributor.authorAkbaba, Eren
dc.contributor.authorUysal, Sema
dc.contributor.authorSarikaya, Esma
dc.contributor.authorMollamahmutoglu, Leyla
dc.descriptionsarikaya, esma/0000-0002-8522-7364; Deveer, Mehmet/0000-0003-3836-0688; Engin-Ustun, Yaprak/0000-0002-1011-3848en_US
dc.descriptionWOS: 000215292200004en_US
dc.descriptionPubMed ID: 24520496en_US
dc.description.abstractBackground: Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are produced in many metabolic and physiologic processes. Antioxidative mechanisms remove these harmful species. Our aim was to assess whether serum total antioxidant capacity and total oxidant status altered during first trimester pregnancies with vaginal bleeding. Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, A group of pregnant women at less than 10 weeks of gestation with vaginal bleeding (n=25) and a control group of healthy pregnancies with similar characteristics (n=25) were included. All of the patients in the two groups were matched for age, gestational age and body mass index. Serum total antioxidant capacity and total oxidant status levels were determined using a Hitachi 912 analyzer and compared between the two groups. Results: Characteristics, including maternal age, parity, and gestational age were similar between the two groups. Serum total antioxidant capacity levels were significantly lower in the women with vaginal bleeding than in control women (1.16 +/- 0.20 vs. 1.77 +/- 0.08 mmol Trolox Equiv./ L; p=0.001), whereas higher total oxidant status measurements were found in women with vaginal bleeding compared to the control group (4.01 +/- 0.20 vs. 2.57 +/- 0.65 mu mol H2O2 Equiv./ L; p=0.001). Conclusion: Increased total oxidant status might be involved in the pathophysiology of vaginal bleeding during early first trimester pregnancies.en_US
dc.publisherRoyan Insten_US
dc.subjectOxidative Stressen_US
dc.subjectVaginal Bleedingen_US
dc.subjectFirst Trimesteren_US
dc.titleRole of Oxidative Stress on Vaginal Bleeding during The First Trimester of Pregnant Womenen_US
dc.contributor.departmentTemp[Deveer, Ruya; Engin-Ustun, Yaprak; Akbaba, Eren; Sarikaya, Esma; Gulerman, Cavidan; Mollamahmutoglu, Leyla] Dr Zekai Tahir Burak Womens Hlth Educ & Res Hosp, Dept Gynecol & Obstet, Ankara, Turkey -- [Deveer, Mehmet] Sitki Kocman Univ, Scool Med, Dept Radiol, Mugla, Turkey -- [Uysal, Sema] Fatih Univ, Scool Med, Dept Biochem, Ankara, Turkeyen_US
dc.relation.journalInternational Journal of Fertility & Sterilityen_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US

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