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dc.contributor.authorKozak, M.
dc.contributor.authorGnoth, J.
dc.contributor.authorAndreu, L.
dc.description.abstractThis volume provides original insight into the operational opportunities, challenges and constraints in managing Tourism Destination Marketing. It explores how the various tourist destination systems including tourist, places (as seen by the tourist), public and private tourism organisations and the social and physical environment can effectively communicate and co operate together at a profit for each. Advances in Destination Marketing offers a comprehensive review of a wide range of aspects related to marketing tourism products including networks in destinations, consumer experiences in destinations, destination branding, destination image, events in destinations and destination tourism products. Throughout the book a network analysis perspective is applied to offer alternative solutions of how each system can share network knowledge and system knowledge so profits can be created effectively and maximised. The exploration of new topics such as Destination Networks and Destination Branding as well as original international empirical research and case studies from well known researchers in the area, provides new thinking on Marketing Tourism Destinations. The relevance of the arguments and the salient conclusions are valuable in the study of an ever dynamic and burgeoning industry. This stimulating volume will be of interest to higher level students, academics, researchers within Tourism and practitioners in the industry. © 2010 Selection and editorial matter, Metin Kozak, Juergen Gnoth and Luisa Andreu; individual chapters, the contributors. All rights reserved.en_US
dc.publisherRoutledge Taylor & Francis Groupen_US
dc.titleAdvances in tourism destination marketing: Managing networksen_US
dc.contributor.departmentTempKozak, M., School of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Mugla University, Turkey -- [Gnoth, J., Department of Marketing, University of Otago, New Zealand -- [Andreu, L., University of Valencia, Spainen_US
dc.relation.journalAdvances in Tourism Destination Marketing: Managing Networksen_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryKitap - Uluslararasıen_US

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