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dc.contributor.authorŞahin, E.K.
dc.contributor.authorİmerci, A.
dc.contributor.authorKınık, H.
dc.contributor.authorKarapınar, L.
dc.contributor.authorCanbek, U.
dc.contributor.authorSavran, A.
dc.descriptionPubMed ID: 23443746en_US
dc.description.abstractPurpose: The aim of this study was to compare the results of intramedullary fixation with those of plate-screw fixation for peritrochanteric femoral fracture patients older than 60 years old. Methods: This article reports on a retrospective review of patients who had peritrochanteric femoral fractures and were treated with a 95° fixed-angle screw plate (DCS) or an intramedullary nailing system (PFNA). Patients with 79 fractures were enrolled in the study; 47 of them were treated with the PFNA system and 37 with the DCS. Followed for at least 1 year, the treatment groups were compared by taking into consideration all demographic and trauma variables. Results: No significant differences were discovered between the two groups with regard to side of injury, mechanism of trauma, associated comorbidities, AO fracture classification, average follow-up duration, mortality, and fracture reduction quality at the 1-year follow-up. The average surgical time was significantly lower in the PFNA group (57 min.) compared to the DCS group (87 min.). Longer operative time was needed in the DCS group, and thus, greater blood loss occurred compared to the PFNA group. The functional results of the PFNA group were found to be significantly better than those of the DCS group. Conclusions: Owing to some advantages, such as minimal exposure, reduced operative blood loss, and the achievement of biological fixation, PFNA is a better choice for the treatment for unstable peritrochanteric fractures. © 2013 The Author(s).en_US
dc.publisherSpringer-Verlag Franceen_US
dc.subjectDynamic condylar screwsen_US
dc.subjectExtramedullary fixationen_US
dc.subjectIntramedullary fixationen_US
dc.subjectPeritrochanteric fracturesen_US
dc.subjectProximal femoral nail antirotationen_US
dc.titleComparison of proximal femoral nail antirotation (PFNA) with AO dynamic condylar screws (DCS) for the treatment for unstable peritrochanteric femoral fracturesen_US
dc.contributor.departmentTempŞahin, E.K., Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Erzurum Palandoken State Hospital, Asagi Kosk Mah., Yakutiye, Erzurum 25100, Turkey; İmerci, A., Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Erzurum Palandoken State Hospital, Asagi Kosk Mah., Yakutiye, Erzurum 25100, Turkey; Kınık, H., Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Ankara University School of Medicine, Mesa Koru Sitesi, Fulya Blok No: 44, Cayyolu, Ankara, Turkey; Karapınar, L., Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Izmir Tepecik Education and Research Hospital, Izmir 35000, Turkey; Canbek, U., Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Mugla Sitki Kocman University School of Medicine, Mugla, Turkey; Savran, A., Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Izmir Tepecik Education and Research Hospital, Izmir 35000, Turkeyen_US
dc.relation.journalEuropean Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatologyen_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US

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