Yazar "Özcan, Müesser" için listeleme
Academicians' Views on Research and the Ethics of Publication
Özcan, Müesser; Balcı, Yasemin (Igiad-Turkish Entrepreneurship & Business Ethics Assoc, 2016)This research intends to identify the inappropriate ethical behaviors of academic personnel mostly on research and the ethics of publication as determined by the Turkish Academy of Sciences (Turkiye Bilimler Akademisi ... -
Attitudes towards and experiences of ethical dilemmas in treatment decision-making process among medical oncologists
Demir Küreci, Hatice; Tanrıverdi, Özgür; Özcan, Müesser (Wiley, 2020)Aim: This study aimed to evaluate the attitudes towards and experiences of ethical dilemmas in the treatment decision-making process among medical oncologists who are the members of the Turkish Society of Medical Oncology. ... -
The compassion levels of midwives working in the delivery room
Ergin, Ayla; Özcan, Müesser; Aksoy, Sena Dilek (SAGE Publications Ltd, 2020)Background: Compassion-based practices in midwifery are the most important expression of the depth of care quality. This concept is insufficiently represented in literature, therefore, studies on this subject are of utmost ... -
Ethical Assessment of Blank Consent Forms for Medical Interventions in a Training and Research Hospital in Turkey
Akpınar, Aslıhan; Özcan, Müesser; Ülker, Deniz; Öksüzler, Oğuz (Aves, 2018)Objective: To assess ethical conformity of consent forms to the ethical standards used for medical interventions in a training and research hospital. Methods: In this study, the content of blank informed consent forms used ... -
The impact of gender and academic achievement on the violation of academic integrity for medical faculty students, a descriptive cross-sectional survey study
Özcan, Müesser; Yeniçeri, Neşe; Çekiç, Edip Güvenç (Bmc, 2019)Purpose: The aim of this study is to determine the characteristics of medical faculty students about violations of academic integrity. Method: From the whole population of the 572 students of the Mugla Sitki Kocman University ... -
An Important Document for the History of Turkish Radiation Oncology: "The Principles of Radium Treatment"
Özcan, Müesser; Küreci, Hatice Demir; Kılınç, Rabia Mihriban; Tanrıverdi, Özgür (Karabuk Univ, 2017)The aim of this study was to evaluate the information in the book about the usage of radium for treatment purposes in the light of current scientific knowledge by abbreviating and translating it into modern-day Turkish. ... -
Important milestones for cancer at the Nobel prize
Tanrıverdi, Özgür; Tasar, Muhammed; Yılmaz, Mustafa; Durak, Melih Furkan; Sezer, Selin Beyza; Demir Küreci, Hatice; Özcan, Müesser (Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications, 2020)The Nobel Prize, which is awarded annually, is open to everyone, regardless of nationality, race, belief or ideology, and winners are announced in October. We evaluated the history of the Nobel prizes for awards that have ... -
The Important Witness of the Malaria Struggle in Turkey: Milasli Ismail Hakki and His Pamphlet Entitled "Who Knows What About Malaria?"
Akpınar, Aslıhan; Özcan, Müesser (Duzce Univ, 2018)Objective: One of the malaria struggle methods in Turkey was informing public and professionals by publications. The aim of this study was to assess malaria struggle works at first years of the Turkish republician era in ... -
Nazi Döneminde Hemşirelik
Hemşirelik mesleğinin gelişiminde savaşların önemi büyüktür. Savaş sırasında hemşirelik; hasta bakımı, insan sevgisi ve ona yardım etmeyi gerektirmektedir. Ancak II. Dünya Savaşı döneminde, Nazi Almanya'sı hemşireleri ... -
Patient's companions as a vulnerable group in Turkish hospitals: A descriptive study
Akpinar, Aslihan; Özcan, Müesser; Ülker Toygar, Deniz (Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2020)Background: In Turkish hospitals, in addition to health care professionals, there are people who are also a significant part of the health care services; even though they are not professionals. In Turkey, these people are ... -
Savaş Cerrahisi Tarihimizden Önemli Bir Belge: Cerrahi-İ Harbiye Dair Malumat ve Müşahedat
Özcan, Müesser; Küreci, Hatice Demir (2016)Bu çalışmayla, savaş cerrahisi kadar Türk Tıp Tarihi için de dikkatlice incelenmesi gereken Cerrahi-i Harbiye Dair Malumat ve Müşahedat isimli kitap, günümüz Türkçesine çevrilip sadeleştirilerek savaş cerrahisi tarihine ... -
The Scientific Efforts in the Turkish Oncological History During the First Ten Years of the Turkish Republic
Özcan, Müesser; Küreci, Hatice Demir; Tanrıverdi, Özgür (Galenos Yayincilik, 2018)A small number of physicians strived to increase scientific knowledge on cancer despite the hardships of the early and difficult years of the Turkish Republic. For instance, Hamdi Suat took his place in the international ... -
Sexual and reproductive rights in Turkey: An owerview
Cinsel haklar ve üreme hakları, temel insan haklarındandır. Sadece kadına özel tanımlanmamış bir hak olmakla birlikte, toplumda kadının sosyal, ekonomik durumu, bu hakkın kullanımında kadını ayrıcalıklı ele almayı ... -
Tıp Dışındaki Farklı Alanlarda Da İz Bırakan Muğlalı Üç Hekim
Özcan, Müesser; Bulut, Naki (2013)Bu çalışmada din, ahlak ve dil bilimi ile ilgili çok sayıda eseri olan Milaslı İsmail Hakkı, Türkiye'de kooperatifçiliği kuran ve bu alana ilişkin kitaplar yazan Cevdet Nasuhi Savran ile Kurtuluş Savaşı'nda iyi bir asker ... -
Uluslararası Hemşireler Konseyi 1937 Yılı Kongresi ve Türk Hemşireler
Özcan, Müesser; Ülker, Deniz (2014)Bu çalışma, 1937 yılında Sekizincisi düzenlenen Uluslararası Hemşireler Konseyi (ICN) Kongresi ile kongreye katılan Türk hemşireler hakkında bilgi vermektedir. Başbakanlık Cumhuriyet Arşivi, Kızılay Arşivi, İngiliz Devleti ... -
Yüz Yıl Öncesinde Yanıt Aranan Soru: Teşkilat-I Sıhhiyemiz Nasıl Olmalı?
Özcan, Müesser; Küreci, Hatice Demir (2016)Doktor Milaslı İsmail Hakkı tarafından yüz yıl önce kaleme alınan "Milletimiz İçin En Büyük Tehlike Sıhhatsizliktir. Teşkilat-ı Sıhhiyemiz Nasıl Olmalı?" başlıklı makalede; koruyucu sağlık uygulamaları, ev ziyareti ve ...