Now showing items 1-10 of 107
A numerical technique for solving functional integro-differential equations having variable bounds
(Springer Heidelberg, 2018)
In this paper, a collocation method based on Taylor polynomials is presented to solve the functional delay integro-differential equations with variable bounds. Using this method, we transform the functional equations to a ...
Potential of game << PLANT TISSUE CULTURE >> in bioengineering education as distance laboratory classes
(Wiley, 2020)
This study evaluates the effectiveness of the developed game as a form of distance laboratory works at the Universities of Turkey and Ukraine. Studying the effectiveness of laboratory research concerning engineering ...
Tolerance Soft Set Relation on a Soft Set and its Matrix Applications
(Ios Press, 2017)
In this paper the tolerance soft set relation on a soft set is defined and some examples are given with their matrix representations. Also, pre-class and tolerance class concepts for a given tolerance soft set relation are ...
Almost e*-continuous functions and their characterizations
(Int Scientific Research Publications, 2016)
The main goal of this paper is to introduce and investigate a new class of functions called almost e*-continuous functions containing the class of almost e-continuous functions defined by Ozkoc and Kma. Several characterizations ...
Hybrid Euler-Taylor matrix method for solving of generalized linear Fredholm integro-differential difference equations
(Elsevier Science Inc, 2016)
The main purpose of this paper is to present a numerical method to solve the linear Fredholm integro-differential difference equations with constant argument under initial-boundary conditions. The proposed method is based ...
Almost strongly theta-e-continuous functions
(Int Scientific Research Publications, 2016)
We introduce and investigate a new class of functions called almost strongly theta-e-continuous functions, containing the classes of almost strongly theta-precontinuous [J. H. Park, S. W. Bae, Y. B. Park, Chaos Soli tons ...
(Yarmouk Univ, Deanship Research & Graduate Studies, 2018)
The aim of this paper is to introduce and investigate some of fundamental properties of almost contra e*theta-continuous functions via e*theta-closed sets which are de fined by Farhan and Yang [15]. Also, we obtain several ...
Numerical approach for solving linear Fredholm integro-differential equation with piecewise intervals by Bernoulli polynomials
(Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2018)
In this paper a numerical method is given for the solution of linear Fredholm integro-differential equation (FIDE) with piecewise intervals under the mixed conditions using the Bernoulli polynomials. The aim of this article ...
Hierarchies in communities of Borsa Istanbul Stock Exchange
(Hacettepe Univ, Fac Sci, 2018)
Nowadays, increase of the analyzing stock markets as complex systems lead graph theory to play key role. For instance detecting graph communities is an important task in the analysis of stocks, and minimum spanning trees ...
Discrete Ricci curvature-based statistics for soft sets
(Springer, 2020)
Soft sets are efficient mathematical structures to model systems in multiple relations. Since a soft set is basically set system, it is possible to endow them with a proper distance function to obtain a metric space. By ...