Insecticidal effects of some essential oils against box tree moth (Cydalima perspectalisWalker (Lepidoptera: Crambidae))

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Gokturk, TemelChachkhiani-Anasashvili, Nunu
Kordalı, Şaban
Dumbadze, Guguli
Bozhuyuk, Ayse Usanmaz
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The box tree mothCydalima perspectalis(Walker) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) is one of the most alien insects found in theBuxusareas of Georgia and World. Many methods have been used to control this pest up to now. But, the problem is still going on. In this study, insecticidal effects of the essential oils obtained from plantsArtemisia absinthiumL.,Seriphidium santonicum(L.) Sojak, Seriphidium spicigerum(K.Koch) Poljakov,Cuminum cyminumL.,Mentha pulegiumL., Origanum majoranaL.,Origanum onitesL., Origanum syriacumL.,Origanum vulgareL., andSatureja hortensisL. onC.perspectaliswere tested in laboratory conditions. In this context, larvae of the 2nd and 5th instars ofC.perspectaliswere exposed to essential oils at doses of 10, 15 and 20 mu l/petri for 24, 48, 72 and 96 h. All of the essential oils used in the study caused mortality at different rates; the highest effect on 2nd and 5th instar larvae ofC.perspectaliswas obtained with the essential oil fromO.oniteswith a mortality rate of 80.0-71.6%. The oils fromO. onites(73.3-65.0%), O.syriacum(73.3-63.3%),O.majorana(71.6-66.6%),A.absinthium(68.3-61.6%),S.santonicum(68.3-60.0%),S.spicigerum(66.6-60.0%),S.hortensis(66.6-61.1%),C.cyminum(58.3-53.3%) andM.pulegium(51.6-45.0%) followed this in this order. As a results of the dose effect tests conducted in the second part of the study, the most toxic plant essential oils were determined to be fromO.vulgareand the lowest toxic effect fromM.pulegiumbased on LD(50)and LD90. The results obtained show that the essential oils fromO.vulgarecan be used in the control againstC.perspectalis.