Medium Cut-Off Membrane Can Be a New Treatment Tool in Amanita phalloides Poisoning

Göster/ Aç
Huddam, BülentAlp, Alper
Kırlı, İsmail
Yılmaz, Mehmet
Çağırtekin, Aytuğ
Allı, Hakan
Edebali, Sultan
Üst veri
Tüm öğe kaydını gösterKünye
Huddam B, Alp A, Kırlı İ, Yılmaz M, Çağırtekin A, Allı H, Edebali S. Medium Cut-Off Membrane Can Be a New Treatment Tool in Amanita phalloides Poisoning. Wilderness Environ Med. 2021 Mar 3:S1080-6032(20)30218-0. doi: 10.1016/j.wem.2020.12.002. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33676852.Özet
Mushroom poisoning is a common health problem that can be seen seasonally and geographically. Most mushroom poisoning requiring treatment worldwide is due to Amanita phalloides. Although liver failure and kidney injury are frequent, poisoning can also lead to more serious clinical situations, such as shock, pancreatitis, encephalopathic coma, cardiac failure, disseminated intravascular coagulation, and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, and may cause death. In addition, when standard treatment approaches fail, extracorporeal treatment methods are often used. We report 2 cases in which hemodialysis with medium cut-off membrane was performed. We observed an improvement in liver and kidney function in both of our cases. The first case recovered, but the second case proved fatal owing to Acinetobacter sepsis, despite an improvement in renal function. Medium cut-off membrane hemodialysis may be an alternative option in the treatment of Amanita phalloides poisoning