Acupuncture Stimulation Analyzed from Multiple Aspects of Western Medical Science
Skin is the biggest and most important organ of us. It has a large surface area and it is easily accessible. While we touch skin, piezoelectric stimulation starts, fundamental property of biological tissues, pressure electrification. And after this stimulation, ferroelectric and pyroelectric effects occur. While we insert the acupuncture needle into skin, we have created a conscious trauma and damage. After this, inflammatory phase, proliferation and tissue formation phase and tissue remodeling phase start. With embryological perspective, at that moment, we give stimulus ectodermal and mesodermal layer of the skin also. We stimulate these embryologic layers and cells not only into skin but also whole body. Because, while we start stimulation with a cell, cell stimulates other cells and cells stimulate body. Also we stimulate neuropeptides, neurotransmitters, neuro-hormones and receptors. The skin is the largest immunologically active receptor organ in the body. And we see, peripheral local stress response (brain-skin) works same as hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. So, what we have done? We only insert the acupuncture needle into skin consciously.