Examining the Impact of Hydraulic Fitness Exercises on the Body Perception and Some Physical Parameters of Middle Aged Women
The purpose of this research is to examine the impact-of-hydraulic fitness exercises on some physical parameters and body perception. of the middle aged sedentary women. A total of 60 women participated in the study voluntarily. Hydraulic station fitness exercises were administered for a duration of 12 weeks. Body weight, body mass index, body flexibility of the women and their body perception levels were determined. Statistically significant differences were found in the variable as follows, the weight (t=11.4, p<0.05), BMI (Body Mass Index) (4=3.29, p<0.05), BFP (Body Fat Percentage) (t=10.8, p<0.05), flexibility (t=-11.6, p<0.05), sit ups (t=-16.7, p<0.05), and body perception (t=-12.3, p<0.05). Weight gain was observed" for women in the control gioup and decrease in flexibility and ability to do sit ups. However, a weight loss was observed for the women in the experimental group and it was determined and found that their BMI, flexibility and ability to do sit ups and even satisfaction of physical space improved positively.