The Effect of Reciprocal and Direct Teaching Approaches on Summarizing Skill
The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether the "reciprocal teaching" approach or the "direct instruction" approach is more effective in teaching. summarizing rules. Moreover, the paper examines the summarizing rules that are difficult to apply. The study group consists of ninth grade high school students. The. students' summaries were scored using the Summary Scoring Key (SSK). The students' summaries were examined and the application percentages of the rules were calculated in order to determine the summarization rules, which are difficult to use. At the end of the present paper, it is found that reciprocal teaching and direct instruction approaches have a similar effect on teaching summarizing rules. The rule "delete the unimportant information" was successfully applied on students in both, the experimental and control groups. The rule "delete the repeated information" was the most difficult rule to learn for both groups.