The current polarization rectification of the integer quantized Hall effect
We report on our theoretical investigation considering the widths of quantized Hall plateaus (QHPs) depending on the density asymmetry induced by the large current within the out-of-linear response regime. We solve the Schrodinger equation within the Hartree type mean field approximation using Thomas-Fermi-Poisson nonlinear screening theory. We observe that the two-dimensional electron system splits into compressible and incompressible regions for certain magnetic field intervals, where the Hall resistance is quantized and the longitudinal resistance vanishes, if an external current is imposed. We found that the strong current imposed induces an asymmetry on the widths of the incompressible strips (ISs) depending linearly on the current intensity and can be balanced by an inhomogeneous donor distribution. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.