Yazar "Dere, Özcan" için listeleme
Adherence to vaccination recommendations after traumatic splenic injury
Belli, Ahmet Korkut; Dönmez, Cem; Özcan, Önder; Dere, Özcan; Çaylak, Selmin Dirgen; Elibol, Funda Dinç; Nazlı, Okay (Turkish Assoc Trauma Emergency Surgery, 2018)BACKGROUND: The occurrence of a serious infection called overwhelming post-splenectomy infection (OPSI) increases more than 50 times in patients who have hyposplenia. The aim of this study was to investigate the adherence ... -
Antimicrobial and antibiofilm activity of polyurethane/Hypericum perforatum extract (PHPE) composite
Nazlı, Okay; Baygar, Tuba; Dönmez, Çigdem Elif Demirci; Dere, Özcan; Uysal, Ali İhsan; Aksözeke, Alper; Aktürk, Selçuk (Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2019)Microbial accumulation in materials used in sectors such as medical, textile and food can lead to serious diseases, infections and uncontrollable problems. Many of the materials used in the above-mentioned industries have ... -
Distal Özofagusta Heterotopik Gastrik Mukoza (İnlet Patch): Olgu Sunumu
Yazkan, Cenk; Dere, Özcan; Dere, Yelda; Nazlı, Okay (2019)Heterotopik gastrik mukoza (HGM); gastrik mukozanın gastrointestinal sistemin herhangi bir yerine ektopik olarak yerleşmesi ile tanımlanabilir. HGM sıklıkla özofagusun proksimal kesiminde görülmektedir ancak daha az sıklıkla ... -
Endoscopic percutaneous suturing (eFe technique) in massive bleeding due to percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy
Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) has so many complications, such as haemorrhage and gastrocutaneous fitula, and can be treated with several common procedures. When the common procedures are not successful, we must ... -
Evaluation of ultrasound-guided rhomboid intercostal nerve block for postoperative analgesia in breast cancer surgery: a prospective, randomized controlled trial
Altıparmak, Başak; Korkmaz Toker, Melike; Uysal, Ali İhsan; Dere, Özcan; Uğur, Bakiye (Bmj Publishing Group, 2020)Background and objectives Mastectomy has many potential sources of pain. Rhomboid intercostal block (RIB) is a recently described plane block. The primary hypothesis of the study is that ultrasound-guided RIB combined with ... -
Familiar lesion from somewhere else: Two cases of tubular adenoma of the breast
Dere, Yelda; Çelik, Serkan Yaşar; İlhan Çelik, Özgür; Dere, Özcan; Belli, Ahmet Korkut (Springer, 2017)conferenceObject -
Malign Ossifying Fibromyxoid tumour of axilla; a rare case
Çelik, Serkan Yaşar; İlhan Çelik, Özgür; Dere, Yelda; Dere, Özcan (Springer, 2019)conferenceObject -
Memede maligniteyi taklit eden nadir bir lezyon, seroid granülomu: Olgu sunumu
Seroid granülomu; lipid ve lipoproteinlerin kısmi oksidasyonu sonucu, kanama ve nekroz alanlarında ortaya çıkan, makrofajlar içinde depolanan, en sık kadın genital sisteminde ve genelde tesadüfen rastlanan bir pigmenttir. ... -
Mide ve Safra Kesesi İnvazyonu Olan Lokal İleri Sağ Kolon Tümörüne Komplet Mezokolik Diseksiyonla Yaklaşımımız
Urkan, Murat; Dere, Özcan; Dönmez, Cem; Özcan, Önder; Gündüz, Memiş; Şahin, Samet; Nazlı, Okay (Türk Kolon ve Rektum Cerrahisi Derneği, 2021)Kolorektal kanser, tüm dünyada tanı koyulan en yaygın üçüncü kanserdir. Etkili kanser tarama önlemleri sayesinde kolorektal kanserin insidansı ve mortalite oranı azalmakta iken; ancak bu süreçte tanı koyulan lokal ileri ... -
The Necessity of Upper Extremity Neurologic Examination while Evaluating Breast Pain
Belli, Ahmet K; Dinç Elibol, Funda; Acarbaş, Arsal; Özcan, Önder; Dere, Özcan; Yazkan, Cenk; Nazlı, Okay (Karger, 2020)Introduction:Breast pain is one of the most frequent complaints and occurs in 45-69% of all women. Cervical disc herniation is a common cause of cervical radiculopathy with an incidence rate of 18.6 per 100,000, and it ... -
Nodular fasciitis of the neck causing emergency: A case report
Çelik, Serkan Yaşar; Dere, Yelda; Çelik, Özgür İlhan; Derin, Serhan; Şahan, Murat; Dere, Özcan (Oman Medical Specialty Board, 2017)Nodular fasciitis is a benign, reactive, tumor-like lesion composed of fibroblasts and myofibroblasts. It typically occurs in the extremities and the trunk. Head and neck localization is 13-20%. As it grows rapidly, ... -
Obturator hernia should be considered in the differential diagnosis of hip and knee pain
Belli, Ahmet Korkut; Memiş, Gündüz; Dere, Özcan; Koşan, Ulaş; Nazlı, Okay (Turkish Assoc Trauma Emergency Surgery, 2016)Obturator hernia is a rare disease usually occurring in debilitated elderly women. Pain radiating down the medial thigh and knee (Howship-Romberg sign) is a specific sign of the disease. Presently described is a case of ... -
Paratiroid Adenomlarında Cerrahi Tedaviyi Etkileyen Faktörler ve Tedavi Sonuçları
Giriş: Bu çalışmada primer hiperparatiroidi nedeniyle yapılan paratiroidektomilerin sonuçlarını ve bu sonuçlara etki eden faktörleri irdelemeyi amaçladık. Gereç ve yöntem: Ocak 2013 - Ocak 2019 tarihleri arasında primer ... -
The Reasons of Eucalcemic Parathyroid Hormone Elevation After Parathyroidectomy for Sporadic Primary Hyperparathyroidism
Dere, Özcan; Gür, Özlem Sayın; Sarı, Erdem; Acar, Turan; Dere, Yelda; Hacıyanlı, Mehmet (Springer India, 2019)The success of sporadic primary hyperparathyroidism (SPHPT) treatment is providing normocalcemia independent from parathormone (PTH) levels after parathyroidectomy. However, the PTH levels of 7-40% cases remain elevated. ... -
Solitary rectal inflammatory cap polyp: A case report
Çelik, Serkan Yaşar; İlhan Çelik, Özgür; Dere, Yelda; Dere, Özcan (Springer, 2017)conferenceObject -
Synchronous presentation of two extranodal lymphomas: Follicular lymphoma and extranodal marginal zone lymphoma of the mucosa associated lymphoid tissue (MALToma)
Dere, Yelda; Karakuş, Volkan; Koca, E.; Dere, Özcan; Özsan, Nazan (Springer, 2017)Synchronous malignancies are rare conditions in oncology practices, generally seen as solid tumors with hematological neoplasms. However, occurrence of two different hematological malignancies in the same patient is extremely ... -
Synchronous Presentation of Two Extranodal Lymphomas: Follicular Lymphoma and Extranodal Marginal Zone Lymphoma of the Mucosa-Associated Lymphoid Tissue (MALToma)
Dere, Yelda; Karakuş, Volkan; Dere, Özcan; Özsan, Nazan (De Gruyter Open Ltd, 2018)Synchronous malignancies are rare conditions in oncology practices, generally seen as solid tumors with hematological neoplasms. However, occurrence of two different hematological malignancies in the same patient is extremely ... -
Transvers Kolon Adenokarsinomuna Bağlı Gelişen Gastrokolik Fistül: Olgu Sunumu
Yazkan, Cenk; Dönmez, Cem; Dere, Özcan; Nazlı, Okay (2019)Gastrokolik fistüller gastrointestinal sistem kanserlerinin nadir komplikasyonlarından birisidir. Bu durum malign proçeslere bağlı gelişebildiği gibi, peptik ülser, crohn hastalığı gibi patolojilere de eşlik edebilir. ...