Yazar "Yıldırım, Tarık" için listeleme
Can NLR, PLR, and LMR be used as prognostic indicators in patients with pulmonary embolism? Author's reply on commentary COMMENT
Köse, Nuri; Yıldırım, Tarık; Akın, Fatih; Yıldırım, Seda Elçim; Altun, İbrahim (ASSOC BASIC MEDICAL SCI FEDERATION BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA SARA, 2021)We appreciate the comments made by Dr Bedel and colleagues. NLR, PLR and LMR are affected by various diseases such as oncological, collagen tissue, inflammatory, or severe renal/liver diseases [1]. Because of this, we have ... -
Herediter Trombofilik Hastada Tekrarlayan Pulmoner Emboli ve Abdominal Aortada Mural Trombüs
Venöz tromboembolizm, derin ven trombozu ve/veya pul-moner emboli olarak görülen ciddi bir klinik durumdur. Derin ven trombozunun ilk atağını geçiren hastalarda tek-rarlama riski artmıştır. Trombofili tromboza yatkınlık ... -
Parameters of platelet indices in young patients with ST elevation myocardial infarction. Commentary to the article: "Platelet distribution width and plateletcrit: novel biomarkers of ST elevation myocardial infarction in young patients"
Yıldırım, Tarık; Akın, Fatih; Altun, İbrahim; Ergun, Gökhan; Yıldırım, Seda Elcim; Soylu, Mustafa Özcan (Via Medica, 2018) -
Platelet indices and stroke
Yıldırım, Tarık; Akın, Fatih; Altun, İbrahim; Yıldırım, Seda Elcim; Başaran, Özcan; Soylu, Mustafa Özcan (Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2018) -
Prognostic role of NLR, PLR, and LMR in patients with pulmonary embolism
Köse, Nuri; Yıldırım, Tarık; Akın, Fatih; Yıldırım, Seda Elçim; Altun, İbrahim (Assoc Basic Medical Sci Federation Bosnia & Herzegovina Sarajevo, 2020)Pulmonary embolism (PE) is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. New biological markers are being investigated for estimating the prognosis of PE patients. Since PE is closely associated with inflammatory ... -
The relationship between coronary collateral circulation and contrast induced nephropathy in patients with non-ST elevation myocardial infarction
Yıldırım, Tarık; Avcı, Eyüp; Kiriş, Tuncay; Hasan, Kadı (Edizioni Minerva Medica, 2019)BACKGROUND: Contrast induced nephropathy (CM) is defined as a temporary renal failure follov,ing the administration of radiocontrast agent during the coronary angiography. It is associated with increases in morbidity and ... -
An unusual cause of dyspnea: Spontaneous pneumopericardium
Yıldırım, Tarık; Altun, İlknur; Yıldırım, Seda Elcim; Akın, Fatih; Soylu, Mustafa Özcan (Turkish Soc Cardiology, 2018)