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dc.contributor.authorCali, Umit
dc.contributor.authorKuzlu, Murat
dc.contributor.authorKaraarslan, Enis
dc.identifier.citationCali, U., M. Kuzlu, E. Karaarslan, and V. Jovanovic. 2022. "Opportunities and Challenges in Metaverse for Industry 4.0 and Beyond Applications.". doi:10.1109/iGETblockchain56591.2022.10087104en_US
dc.description.abstractMetaverse is the next generation of Internet-based applications and social forms using various cutting-edge technologies, such as virtual reality, augmented reality, 3D holographic avatars, video, cloud computing, etc. It is also defined as a virtual parallel life, i.e., a digital twin of real life, utilizing physical, augmented, and virtual reality to provide a metaphor of real life for its avatars in a shared virtual environment through the Internet. The metaverse is a virtual world that allows users to interact with each other or objects in real-time using their avatars by breaking down all real-world physical obstacles. It has been applied to various domains, such as video games, art, retail, education, healthcare, manufacturing, social, and many more. This paper investigates the Metaverse for Industry 4.0 and beyond applications in terms of opportunities and challenges. It analyses opportunities of the Metaverse for different aspects, from technical, economic, and educational to social. This study also discussed main challenges in Metaverse, such as data security and privacy, decentralization, interoperability, and resource management.en_US
dc.publisherInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.en_US
dc.subjectIndustry 4.0en_US
dc.subjectVirtual Realityen_US
dc.titleOpportunities and Challenges in Metaverse for Industry 4.0 and Beyond Applicationsen_US
dc.contributor.departmentMÜ, Mühendislik Fakültesi, Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Bölümüen_US
dc.contributor.institutionauthorKaraarslan, Enis
dc.relation.journal2022 IEEE 1st Global Emerging Technology Blockchain Forum: Blockchain and Beyond, iGETblockchain 2022en_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryKonferans Öğesi - Uluslararası - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US

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