The Subsumption of Labour to Capital or the Social of State
In today's world, the social and the scope of state are deserved a wide academic and social interest. Social was also trademark of the twentieth century. The world reached to a stable order promising safety and security for the future through the democratic struggles after the two world wars. The separation of policy, economy and management or public and private, in the conceptual level, is seen as the tool of sustaining new political system with a negotiation process. These levels of separation represented the point where relative coalition between social and political forces reached. Together with this, the welfare state which provided the comfort of stability and durability for the masses began to disintegrate and is seen as a systematic obstacle on the way of the development of financial capital. The capital accumulation process of welfare state and its ways of justification was like a prison to the march of new capital into new places through its financial mobility and its potential profits. Today this obstacles looks like long disappeared memories of the capital. It seems a prison in which the capital and labour is needed each other and a long lasting dysfunctional relationship. The capital reached an unprecedented turnover rates. This article aims to investigate the relationship between social and politics and to conceptualise the changes. For this purpose, through the investigation of the institutionalization of the process of the tension and mechanisms created based on the relationship between capital and labour, it will show how science and technology in the welfare state is supported the move of the capital. This process affects the change the relationship between social and politics and turns politics into an artificial-constructed process. This article will examine the change of social and politics by focusing on the changing relationship between capital and labour.