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dc.contributor.authorGökdoğan Edgünlü, T.
dc.contributor.authorÖzel Türkcü, Ü.
dc.contributor.authorSafi Öz, Z.
dc.contributor.authorÖzen, B.
dc.contributor.authorKöktürk, F.
dc.contributor.authorKarakaş Çelik, S.
dc.description.abstractMigraine is a primary headache syndrome which has been a genetic factor in quite complex etiopathogenesis. The mechanisms underlying the migraine have not been clearly enlightened. The aim of our study is to investigate the relationship between polymorphisms of CHRNA4 gene and migraine and determined to oxidative DNA damage and oxidative stress with detection of 8-oxo2dG and AOPP levels in plasma of patients with migraine. Methods: In our study, DNA was obtained from migraine patients (n=79) and unrelated healthy persons (n=68). Alleles and genotypes of CHRNA4 gene polymorphisms (rs1044394, rs1044393) were determined with PCR and RFLP methods. Also, 8-oxo2dG and AOPP levels were measured in plasma of migraine patients. Results: As a result, we were found a significant relationship between rs1044394 polymorphism of CHRNA4 gene and migraine patients without aura (p <0.05). Also, it was shown a significant association between rs1044394 polymorphism of CHRNA4 gene and smoker migraine patients (p <0.05). As an interesting, 8-oxo2dG levels in migraine patients were determinate significantly lower than healthy controls (p <0.05). Conclusions: According to our results, CHRNA4 gene may be important for migraine disease. Also, 8-oxo2dG levels in plasma of patients with migraine who have take medicine treatment might be decreased. This situation may show that drug therapy for migraine may reduce oxidative stress.en_US
dc.subjectGene Polymorphismen_US
dc.titleMigren hastalarında CHRNA4 gen polimorfizmilerinin, oksidatif DNA hasarı ve oksidatif stres markır seviyelerinin analizien_US
dc.item-title.alternativeAssociation analysis of CHRNA4 gene polymorphisms and levels of marker of oxidative DNA damage and oxidative stress in migraine patients [Migren hastalarında CHRNA4 gen polimorfizmilerinin, oksidatif DNA hasarı ve oksidatif stres markır seviyelerinin analizi]en_US
dc.contributor.departmentTempGökdoğan Edgünlü, T., Muğla Sitki Koçman University, School of Health Sciences, Muğla, Turkey -- [Özel Türkcü, Ü., Muğla Sitki Koçman University, School of Health Sciences, Muğla, Turkey -- [Safi Öz, Z., Bülent Ecevit University, Department of Medical Biology, Zonguldak, Turkey -- [Özen, B., Bülent Ecevit University, Department of Neurology, Zonguldak, Turkey -- [Köktürk, F., Bülent Ecevit University, Department of Biostatistics, Zonguldak, Turkey -- [Karakaş Çelik, S., Bülent Ecevit University, Department of Medical Genetic, Zonguldak, Turkeyen_US
dc.relation.journalJournal of Neurological Sciencesen_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US

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