Dil "pol" için listeleme
Toplam kayıt 3, listelenen: 1-3
Optymalizacja ?ugowania rudy dolomitowej w roztworach kwasu solnego
(2011)In this study, the Taguchi method was used to determine the optimum conditions for leaching of dolomite ore in hydrochloric acid solutions. The experimental parameters were leaching temperature, solid-to-liquid ratio, acid ... -
Postdramatyczne u?ycie motywów z robinsonady w Ja, Kaliban Tima Croucha
(Adam Mickiewicz University Press, 2019)Tim Crouch's I, Caliban is a postdramatic adaptation of Shakespeare's The Tempest included in a collection titled I, Shakespeare in which he recreates Shakespeare's most marginalised characters. The focus in this sequel ... -
Praktyki ochrony odgromowej napowietrznych linii ?redniego napi?cia z przewodami niepe?noizolowanymi
(Wydawnictwo SIGMA - N O T Sp. z o.o., 2015)The present paper aims to illustrate brief technical description of the selected problems of protection of medium-voltage overhead lines with covered conductors. Typical protection measures to be applied are describe and ...