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dc.contributor.authorYapici, Sercan
dc.contributor.authorFiliz, Halit
dc.descriptionYapici, Sercan/0000-0003-2288-5084en_US
dc.descriptionWOS: 000504749700013en_US
dc.description.abstractNowadays, the Mediterranean is a hotspot of biodiversity, characterized by changes in fish communities due to invasions. These invasions, mainly occurring through the entrance of species through the Suez Canal, a process called Lessepsian migration, has been increasing in the last 40 years. It is reported that, in Turkish seas, where 512 fish species are found, are 75 Lessepsian species. However, knowledge about the impact of Lessepsian species on native species is insufficient. This study aims to determine the bio-ecological characteristics and food interactions of a native Pagellus erythrinus and non-native Nemipterus randalli distributed in the Gokova Bay. In the monthly sampling survey, carried out between January 2016 and December 2016, 1698 N. randalli and 945 P. erythrinus individuals were collected. Length, weight, age, sex distributions and ratios, length-age, weight-age, length-weight relationships, condition factors, stomach contents and reproduction periods were examined to determine the interaction between species. According to results, the life span of P. erythrinus is longer than N. randalli in the Gokova Bay. Nevertheless, N. randalli grows faster than P. erythrinus. Reproduction periods of both two species show similarities. Food competition between species is found to be significantly high. Results of condition factors exhibit that N. randalli shows an increased ability to exploit the available food sources. Pagellus erythrinus displays strategies such as: early maturation, short reproduction period, reproduction in the deeper waters and batch spawning, to compete with N. randalli. With the invasive characteristics of N. randalli established a successful population in the Gokova Bay.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipMugla Sitki Kocman University Scientific Research FundMugla Sitki Kocman University [BAP 13/120]en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipThis research is based on Ph.D. thesis of the corresponding author and was supported by Mugla Sitki Kocman University Scientific Research Fund (BAP 13/120). The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their suggestions and comments. Also, corresponding author is grateful to Mr. Rifat Tezel, Dr. Umit Acar, Mr. Murat Celik, Mr. Umut Uyan for their valuable contributions and efforts during the study.en_US
dc.publisherNatl Centre Marine Researchen_US
dc.subjectPagellus Erythrinusen_US
dc.subjectNemipterus Randallien_US
dc.subjectGokova Bayen_US
dc.titleBiological aspects of two coexisting indigenous and non-indigenous fish species in the Aegean Sea: Pagellus erythrinus vs. Nemipterus randallien_US
dc.contributor.departmentTemp[Yapici, Sercan; Filiz, Halit] Mugla Sitki Kocman Univ, Fac Fisheries, TR-48000 Kotekli, Mugla, Turkeyen_US
dc.relation.journalMediterranean Marine Scienceen_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US

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