Assessment of the radiological health damage costs of the Yenikoy and Kemerkoy lignite-fired power plants in Mugla
The health impacts and corresponding damage costs of radioactive emissions of Yenikoy and Kemerkoy lignite-fired power plants in Mug la have been assessed by using the simplified impact pathway approach. Radiation dose and risk calculations have been carried out by the code CAP88-PC around the power plants. Specific isotopes, Ra-226, Th-232, K-40 and U-238 in the flying ash samples are considered as radioactive sources. The estimated total collective doses around Yenikoy and Kemerkoy power plants are 3.15 x 10(-4) man Sv/year and 3.77 x 10(-4) man Sv/year. Health effects and the corresponding damage costs around the power plants due to radioactive emissions from the power plants are negligible.