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dc.contributor.authorToker, H.
dc.contributor.authorBaysal, E.
dc.contributor.authorTurkoglu, T.
dc.contributor.authorKart, S.
dc.contributor.authorSen, F.
dc.contributor.authorPeker, H.
dc.description.abstractHeat-treated of Oriental beech (Fagus orientalis L.) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) woods were carried out by hot air in an oven for 1, 3, and 5 hours at 205, 220, and 235°C. After heat treatments, some surface properties such as color and gloss changes of both wood specimens were evaluated. Our results showed that heat treatment caused decrease in gloss values of Oriental beech and Scots pine wood specimens. Higher treatment temperature and duration resulted in higher gloss loss of wood specimens after heat treatments. Heat-treated wood became darker tonality, especially; it became more darkening after 3 and 5 hours heat treatments. Generally according to our results, ?a? and ?b? decreased after heat treatments. Oriental beech wood tended to become less reddish than Scots pine after heat treatments. ?a?, ?b? and ?E? of heat-treated Oriental beech and Scots pine decreased with increasing treatment temperature and duration.en_US
dc.publisherStatny Drevarsky Vyskumny Ustaven_US
dc.titleSurface characteristics of oriental beech and scots pine woods heat-treated above 200°cen_US
dc.contributor.departmentTempToker, H., Faculty of Technology Department of Wood Science and Technology Kotekli, Mugla Sitki Kocman University, Mugla, 48000, Turkey; Baysal, E., Faculty of Technology Department of Wood Science and Technology Kotekli, Mugla Sitki Kocman University, Mugla, 48000, Turkey; Turkoglu, T., Koycegiz Vocational School Department of Forestry, Mugla Sitki Kocman University, Mugla, 48000, Turkey; Kart, S., Faculty of Technology Department of Wood Science and Technology Kotekli, Mugla Sitki Kocman University, Mugla, 48000, Turkey; Sen, F., Faculty of Technology Department of Energy Systems Kotekli, Mugla Sitki Kocman University, Mugla, 48000, Turkey; Peker, H., Faculty of Forestry Artvin, Artvin Coruh University, Artvin, Turkeyen_US
dc.relation.journalWood Researchen_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US

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