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dc.contributor.authorŞahin, Aslı Çandarlı
dc.description.abstract1991 yılında Sovyet Sosyalist Cumhuriyetler Birliği'nin dağılması ile birlikte Türk Cumhuriyetlerinin bağımsızlıklarını kazanması, bölgenin gerek konumu gerekse sahip olduğu enerji kaynakları açısından ilgi odağı haline gelmesine neden olmuştur. Çoğu ülkenin bölgeden pay alabilme yarışına girdiği bir dönemde taraflar arasındaki tarihi ve kültürel bağlar Türkiye'nin diğerlerine göre avantajlı bir durum elde etmesini sağlamıştır. Ne var ki, söz konusu bağlar yakınlaşmanın yanında sorumluluk ve beklentiyi de beraberinde getirmiştir. Bu doğrultuda bağımsızlıklarını ilan eden Türk Cumhuriyetlerini ilk tanıyan ülke Türkiye olmuş ve ihtiyaç duyacakları her konuda destek olmaya hazır olduğunu belirtmiştir. Türkiye ve Türk Cumhuriyetleri arasında 1991'den sonra yeterliliği tartışılsa da siyasi, ekonomik ve kültürel ilişkilerin geliştirilmesine yönelik önemli adımlar atılmıştır. Çok sayıda anlaşma ve protokol imzalanmıştır. Türkiye, Türk Cumhuriyetlerine yönelik olarak uyguladığı politikada ulusal kurumların yanı sıra uluslararası kurumlara da aktif biçimde rol vermiş; faaliyetleri sadece devlet eliyle yürütmekten ziyade özel sektör kuruluşlarına da bölgede gerçekleştirilecek projeler kapsamında fırsat tanımıştır. Türkiye'nin 1991 sonrasında Türk Cumhuriyetlerine yönelik olarak izlediği politikalara, çeşitli kurumlar vasıtasıyla gerçekleştirdiği faaliyetlere bakıldığında kültür alanında eğitim ve iletişimin en öncelikli meseleler olduğu görülmektedir. Bu çalışma Türk Cumhuriyetleri ile Türkiye arasındaki kültürel ilişki ve tarihi bağların güçlenmesine yönelik gerçekleştirilen faaliyetleri ve "daha ne yapılabilir"i konu almıştıren_US
dc.description.abstractWith the disintegration of the Soviet Socialist Republics in 1991, the independence of the Turkish republics has led to the region becoming a focus of attention in terms of both in terms of its position and its possession of energy sources. Historical and cultural ties between the parties at a time when most of the countries are in a race to get a share in the region have made Turkey enjoy an advantageous position compared to others. However, these ties have brought responsibility and expectations as well as convergence. Turkey was the first country to recognize the Turkish republics that declared their independence in this direction and stated that they were ready to support them in any way. Although we discussed the adequacy of Turkey and the Turkish Republics after 1991, important steps have been taken to improve political, economic and cultural relations. Numerous agreements and protocols have been signed. Turkey gave an active role to international institutions as well as national institutions in the politics it applies to Turkish Republics; it gives opportunity to the private sector organizations to conduct projects to be realized in the region rather than the activities done only by the state. Looking at the policy that Turkey followed towards the Turkish republics in 1991, education and communication in the field of culture seem to be the most important issues. This study is about the activities carried out to strengthen the cultural ties and historical ties between the Turkish Republics and Turkey and "what else can be done". STRUCTURED ABSTRACT With the disintegration of the Soviet Socialist Republics, the declaration of the independence of the Turkic republics like Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan has required many countries to reshape their foreign policy. Because the region where the Turkish republics are located is a crossroads for east-west as well as neighboring countries such as Russia, China, Afghanistan and Iran. It is not surprising that the wealth of energy resources also contributes to the competitiveness of the region as an attraction for the various countries. While the countries surrounding the Turkish republics have entered the race to make the most profit with respect to the income from energy sources; for the Turkic Republics, to be able to put their national identities in front by merely disseminating their independence beyond the declaration and by erasing the Soviet traces as much as possible. When the next step after independence is evaluated from the point of view of Turkey, it is seen that the historical and cultural ties with the Turkish Republics are an element that facilitates the development of relations and bring about anticipation along with the rapprochement. As a matter of fact, Turkey has been perceived as a "role model" that can be taken as an example in terms of application of market economy as well as democratic and secular order. Turkey was the first country to recognize the Turkish republics and to open the first embassies in the region. From the very first moment Turkish delegations were sent to the region, emphasizing the importance of historical ties and development of relations and cooperation, emphasis has been given to the establishment of institutions to serve this purpose. Private entrepreneurs were also given opportunities in the development of relations and private sector organizations were encouraged to make investments in the Turkish Republics. In addition to national institutions, international institutions seem to contribute to the relations. When we look at the cultural relations between Turkey and the Turkic Republics from the point of view of the institutions, it is seen that National Institutions such as the Turkish Cooperation and Development Agency (TIKA), Ministry of Culture, the Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities , Ministry of National Education, Higher Education Institution (YÖK) and the Television Corporation (TRT), Yunus Emre Institute and the Turkish World Research Foundation have signed many projects in the fields of education, communication, language and religion. TIKA has been organizing scientific meetings such as symposiums and conferences in order to strengthen the common values, establishing trade fairs for promoting Turkish products, printing books or textbooks about Turkish elders, support for training materials as well as being actively involved in many other issues. On the one hand, the restoration and preservation of the Turkish monuments in the region is made possible, and the project of researching Turkish works in Mongolia and its surroundings, which enables new finds to be reached, or the restoration of Sultan Sencer Tomb, the ruler of the Great Seljuk State in the city of Merv, Turkmenistan, between 2002-2004, which are important projects undertaken by TIKA. The most important project that Turkey has carried out in the field of culture and education towards the Turkish Republics is undoubtedly the "Great Student Project" which started from 1992-1993 academic year. It was aimed to educate students from Turkish Republics with state scholarship in Turkey with the aim of contributing to the cultivation of qualified human power, increasing the level of education, educating a new generation with common culture consciousness. Trainings can be taken for secondary education, higher education, graduate and doctorate. From the perspective of the future of our relations, it is also important for the incoming students to leave the country well qualified and well-trained. Turkishness consciousness and the use of the Turkish language have been prioritized in the activities carried out. At this point, the Turkish republics opened various schools, faculties and courses in the region to help close the human power deficits; it is worth to mention the Turkish World Research Foundation which has given great importance to Turkish education by adopting single alphabet writing language understanding. Turkish Culture and Arts Cooperation (TURKSOY), International Turkish Academy, International Ahmed Yesevi Turkish Kazak University, Kyrgyzstan Turkey Manas University, Turkish Worldwide Municipal Associations, Turkish Culture and Heritage Foundation, Turkish and Turkic Countries, Turkish Language Speaking Countries Cooperation Council are the international institutions that contributes to the development of cultural relations between Turkey and Turkish Republics. It is possible to share the mutual knowledge and experiences with the projects they produce and to have an interaction based on cooperativeness. Within the cultural policy that Turkey pursues towards the Turkish Republics, the society, academicians, artists and thinkers, has an active role in intercultural cultural interactions. TURKSOY, which contributes to the realization of a large number of works that deal with the common history, culture and art of the Turkish peoples as a whole, carries out activities such as commemorating the Turkish elders and publishing works in different dialects and languages. Traditional Nevruz celebrations and the application of the Turkish World Cultural Capitals are important projects carried out by TURKSOY. With the aim to investigate the history and culture of the Turkish world and determine the place of the Turkish states in the world history and to coordinate the scientific studies related to the Turkish world, Turkish Academy's joint Turkish History Course Book Project for the 8th grade students is almost complete. Following the Joint History Book, works on the preparation of joint Geography and joint Literature books are being carried out. Turkey is trying to reach all over the Turkish World through many national and international institutions and shows a sincere effort to develop relations and cooperation. When examining the institutional activities carried out by Turkey in cultural matters from the first moment that the Turkish republics gained independence, it is seen that it is tried to reach to every place of the Turkish world through several institutions, especially TIKA and TÜRKSOY. Turkey has been involved in various initiatives through government agencies and institutions such as MEB, YÖK and TİKA as well as private organizations such as foundations, associations and commercial companies. Therefore, Turkey's active monitoring of cultural activities in the Turkish republics on the one hand through state institutions shows how much importance it places on cultural projects to be realized in the region. All of Turkey's cultural activities are very valuable for the Turkish world. In addition to the rapprochement, they are attitudes of Turkishness and culture. From students to teachers, from artists to thinkers, every person in the society can actively participate in cultural interaction between countries. Although political or economic policies that Turkey imposed on the Turkish Republics have been criticized, it is clear that our country has shown its best efforts at the point of cultural relations. Turkey is working sincerely on the development of reciprocal relations, which is open to all kinds of cooperation that can be done in the name of the countries in terms of quality and equipment. Institutional activities have shown that one of the two most important issues of cultural relations between Turkey and the Turkish Republics are communication education. Of course, the fact that many educational institutions are opened at various levels by spending too much in the region is of course a positive development. However, in these institutions, the necessary sensitivity should be shown to ensure that the language of education is Turkish, and in this respect, it should be ensured that enough teachers and faculty members are employed in the Turkish Republics. In the Turkish republics, the quality and level of education should be increased, importance should be given to the use of technology in the field of education, and vocational training should remain on the agenda and be developed. It should be treated with care in order not to leave any gaps in language, history and religion. Turkey and the Turkish Republics are bound by history, culture and language ties. In this point, joint history, geography and literature book studies are important for the common values belonging to the Turkish world, historical and cultural history to be transferred correctly to new generations. These studies should be able to be a pioneer in the new projects to be carried out on common values, and consciousness and awareness should be created. In the future, it should be aimed to further strengthen cultural ties by developing discreet and realistic policies. For every project generated, experts who know the region should be assigned to the project, and rather than many projects that are not planned thoroughly and criticized due to their deficiencies, there should be less projects with all possible failures predicted and necessary precautions have been taken. The primary condition for a Turkish World Union, which is often on the agenda, is the emphasis on cultural values and Turkish identity, and the filling of it. Positive course of relations in the cultural area will also help to improve political and economic relations.en_US
dc.titleTürk Dünyası ile Kültürel İlişkiler Bağlamında Yapılandırılan Kurum ve Kuruluşlaren_US
dc.item-title.alternativeInstitutions And Organizations Constructed in the Context of Cultural Relations with the Turkish Worlden_US
dc.contributor.departmentTempArş. Gör. Dr. Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Tarih Bölümü, El-mek:en_US
dc.relation.journalTurkish Studies (Elektronik)en_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Ulusal Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanen_US

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